I think I may have done something bad!
I can’t decide if it’s just a little bad or very, very bad… It certainly wasn’t something a “good” wife would do. I think I will tell you what I did and you can decide if it’s bad, or BAD!

I have been reading a cookbook by Jonas Camby which divulges the Texas BBQ meat, secret mens business. The book goes into mouth watering details on how to create smokey meat that just falls off the bone. I have been salivating every time I open the cookbook and dying to try a recipe.

The problem is Texas BBQ meat needs a charcoal BBQ. The meat is cooked for 12 hours at a very low temperature. I could make do with a gas BBQ and a smoker box, but I would use up a cylinder of gas in a single meal and I wouldn’t get the flavour I want.

So… I bought hubby a Valentines Day present. I bought the Pro Q Frontier BBQ Smoker. I’m pretty sure it isn’t something Hubby wants, but I really want to eat Texas BBQ Beef Brisket.
Prior to this purchase I did test the waters.
Me: “Honey, would you be my pit master?”
MR GG: (Strange look) A what?

I reminded him about the time I judged the Texas BBQ competition for Focus Magazine in Port Macquarie. I then explained the “Pit master” was the “manly man” in charge of smoking and slow cooking the big chunks of meats.

He didn’t look that interested. There was no further discussion.
Not to be deterred I somehow found myself at Barbeques Galore discussing the difference between a Kamado, Pro Q Frontier BBQ Smoker, and a Texas Offset Smoker.

When I discovered my preferred smoker could be ordered in before Valentines Day it was a done deal.
Like it or not hubby was getting a BBQ for Valentines Day. Wow, even writing this I feel like a bad wife!
If only he was into American BBQ!
If your hubby does love cooking big chunks of meat and your thinking of buying him an American Style BBQ I thought I would save you a little bit of research.
What is a Smoker BBQ?
In Australia we mostly purchase and use gas BBQ’s. The temperature can be controlled at a constant heat. You can use direct heat by cooking over the flames or you can put the hood down and roast the meat. You can do an American Style BBQ in a gas BBQ but due to the long cooking times it would be an expensive exercise.

An alternative is to buy a BBQ that uses charcoal to generate heat. The charcoal will burn more economically for the 8-12 hours and will impart a very different flavour on the meat. Wood chips can be added to all BBQ’s for a smokey flavour.
Types of Smokers
The Webber
The cheapest option for a charcoal based cooker is the webber. They come in all sizes and they are very economical. The downsize is the construction is of light materials and there can be heat loss. The temperature is also harder to control. With some models you may find yourself adding and subtracting lumps of charcoal during the cooking process to get the correct temperature.
The Texas Offset BBQ
This is the BBQ I saw most often during the Port Macquarie Texas BBQ competition. The serious pit masters had these babies smoking like crazy. The Texas Offset BBQ is large enough to take a decent amount of meat. The temperature control is via vents which regulate the oxygen. As you can see visually it looks a lot like a conventional BBQ.
The Pro Q Frontier
The Pro Q Frontier has a heavy duty construction with porcelain insulation to help maintain a consistent temperature. It’s more expensive than the Webber but on par with the Texas Offset Smoker. The cooking capacity of this BBQ is more than most Webbers and more than the Kamado. Multiple chambers for cooking. Vents control temperature more easily than Webber. I liked the unusual look of this BBQ
The Kamado is based on a Japanese design and features porcelain to insulate the cooking chambers. The Kamado is smaller than other BBQ’s in this style. I have seen these in action and tasted some pretty awesome meats that were cooked inside. The Kamado comes in some pretty awesome colours too! Although I guess my preferred colour of pink would be out of the question for hubby’s Valentines Day present.
Unfortunately the Kamado is the Rolls Royce of smokers. It is more expensive than all the other choices. Some would argue it’s worth every penny, but I won’t be road testing.
I settled for the Pro Q Frontier which relies on the same design and insulation as the Kamado. The Pro Q Frontier is also bigger than the Kamado which I preferred.
…and now I am wondering, is it wrong to put a bow around this new BBQ and say Happy Valentines Day to my love?
The BBQ is the man’s domain after all… …but then it’s pretty obvious that it’s me who is smitten by this new toy.

It’s not Valentines Day yet so this is a secret between you and me readers. Is the Pro Q Frontier BBQ Smoker okay as a Valentines Day present or should I try for something a little more romantic?
It’s not too late for me to make another trip to the shops.