I hope everyone enjoyed a very Happy Halloween!

Each year I have a rather elaborate Halloween party, I thought I might share some images of the night in the hope of inspiring readers for next years Halloween. There are some great Halloween costume ideas here for next year.

She may look cute and cuddly but she is a precocious pussy cat, watch that she doesn’t cross your path this Halloween!

Bad Santa kept up the act all night, pinching the kids lollies and promising multiple x-boxes to the neighbours kids! Sorry neighbours!!

In case you didn’t recognise us, this is Mr GG and myself. He is the Dark Prince, Count Dracula and I am his Black Cat! (pawing at his chest.) Prrr Prrr… good kitty…

Awesome costume Vince, and great intensity in the pose!!

Is it the devil disguised as a ghost or has a ghost tricked the devil into giving up his pitch fork??

Don’t get too close to this She Devil, she will lure you away and snack on your heart… a blood cocktail anyone??

Another dark temptress out on All Hallows Evening is our sultry Elvira, she is beguiling but watch out!…

She is a Pirate Princess and she has joined the Spooks to steal the treasure of the evening, so guard your candy and beware!

Oh the evil in his eyes!! Don’t look too deeply or you will be lured to the land of the undead!

The trouble with a ghost costume at Halloween is that it is all too easy to come home with the wrong Ghost! … or perhaps multiple ghosts, we gained a few ghosts throughout the night but they were returned safely to their own spooky homes… here’s one we kept.

Skeleton of the Green Goblin defending his candy… I wonder how his parent managed to get him to sleep!

I love this image it looks like Elvira is about to do a deal with the Devil, and the She Devil is planning to take her soul in return!

Where ever the dark prince goes there also goes his son. Lachlan is also dressed as a very scary Dracula!

“Ahh me hearties” I am the ghost Captain of the Pirates and I will be taking your candy!”

All Hallows evening and the witches were out in force, flying on broomsticks and terrorising the children!

Such a sexy ugly witch… watch out children! I think she will lock you in a cage and fatten you up for dinner!


George is looking like a shy pirate, not one about to collect the mother load of candy loot whilst trick or treating!

The night of the living dead has the Thriller Zombies stirring from their graves and dancing the familiar dance of the undead.

The cutest little witch of all is just “Too Cute too Spook.” Gorgeous Olivia.

Bad Santa was living up to his reputation and Elvira was top of his list of temptresses to pursue…

Oh Gee!! Can someone call Santa’s Elves… I think it is time Bad Santa went to bed!

I am initiating a Halloween Roundup so that we can all blog hop around the internet and see what wonderful food and costumes came out on “All Hallows Evening” this year.