Can you feel the eerie change in the air? Halloween is fast approaching and this Halloween Candy Corn Brownie will surely get you in the mood for ghouls.

October is the month of all hallows evening, the night the undead are able to wander the earth, and souls are at mortal risk. Never fear, we have treats to appease these unfriendly spirits. This months theme is Halloween Candy.

I am tasked with creating a chocolate based treat which features Halloween candy. When ever I see American Halloween images the candy featured is usually [easyazon_link identifier=”B00EEHQ18A” locale=”US” tag=”gourmetgetaways1-20″]candy corn[/easyazon_link]. I had no idea what this sweet tasted like but I knew my treat needed some candy corn.

The brownie recipe uses a rich bittersweet chocolate and produces a delicious dense brownie which would make a luscious dessert at a Halloween party.
- 120gm Butter
- 170gm dark bittersweet chocolate
- ¼ cup Dutch process cocoa powder
- 3 lg eggs
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1 cup flour
- Ganache
- 200gm dark chocolate
- 100ml cream
- 1 pkt [easyazon_link identifier=”B00EEHQ18A” locale=”US” tag=”gourmetgetaways1-20″]candy corn[/easyazon_link]
- Prepare 16 silicone cupcake moulds by greasing liberally with butter.
- Pre heat the oven to 170 degrees C.
- Melt butter and chocolate in a saucepan over a low heat. Stir until smooth.
- Remove from the heat and add the sugar and cocoa, stir until combined.
- Stir through the flour, vanilla, baking powder then the eggs.
- Distribute the batter evenly into the cupcakes moulds.
- Bake for 10-15mins or until cooked.
- Turn out onto a wire rack and allow to cool.
- Melt the dark chocolate in the cream and allow to cool until thick.
- Spread the ganache over the cooled inverted cakes and decorate with candy corn.

Do you hold a Halloween party each year? Do you dress up and trick or treat? I look forward to Halloween so you will be seeing many more recipes like this from me leading up to the most unholiest of days.