Garlic Prawns in Chili Oil

Garlic Prawns in oil


Topic 5

I am just a little bit late on my completing and uploading my Cookbook Challenges.  I do plan to catch up because I thoroughly enjoy the process of interpreting the theme and producing something I would not have otherwise cooked.

The theme for fortnight number 5 was outdoors.  We do a lot of cooking outdoors so I wanted to do something a little different. I had been thinking of making the garlic prawns from the “Cooking With Company” Tapas course I took a few months ago but I hadn’t quite got around to it.

This weekend proved to be the perfect opportunity to give the recipe a try.  We were going camping with some friends and I decided it was time to purchase a “camp oven.” A camp oven is basically a cast iron pot which can be placed (pretty much) straight on the campfire.  In the tapas class we used small individual serve cast iron pots to produce delicious garlic prawns but since I was cooking for 8 adults I decided it would be far easier to use one larger pot.


1 kilo green prawns

¼ cup olive oil

50gm butter

1 red chilli chopped

6 cloves garlic chopped

1 sprig rosemary

5 sprigs thyme


cracked pepper


Camp oven cooking

Shell the prawns but leave the tail attached. Make a slit in the back and remove the grit line.

peeled green prawns frying garlic

Place the oil, butter and garlic in a pan and sauté for a few minutes.

Cooking in a camp oven

Transfer the garlic and oil to the cast iron pot and add all the remaining ingredients, finishing with the prawns. Place the lid on the pot and put it over the campfire.

Garlic prawns in camp oven

Allow it to cook for ten minutes and then check if the prawns are cooked. If not, stir and leave for a further five minutes.

Cooking garlic prawns in a camp oven

Serve with hot crusty bread. The oil is delicious to dip the bread into. Once we had finished the prawns we added large mushrooms cut in quarter to the oil and placed it back on the fire. Delicious!

Camp oven garlic prawns in chili oil

It was a gourmet camping experience!

Happy Birthday Harley xx

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