I have a tendency to skimp on my calories when it comes to drinks. My reasoning is I love food so much, I like to leave all my calories for eating. When I have drinks through the day I choose water, or a Diet Coke or Lemonade. That was until I came up with this skinny version of a fresh fruit frappe. I would never chose to drink a fruit juice as it’s had all the lovely filling fibre taken out of the fruit. So I have started making these fruit frappes which use whole fruits.

In case you are not sure what I mean by fruit frappe it’s like a slushie, except made from blending ice and fruit, which has a high juice content. This method is so much better for you than juicing the fruit, as you get the benefit of all the nutrients and fibre, plus you feel full after your drink. A fruit frappe is more like a snack than a drink, but it has less calories than fruit juice because you need far less fruit to fill your glass.

I want to explain one other nutritional component in the fruit juice versus fruit discussion. I am 44 years old and have managed to keep a reasonable figure after having 5 children. My mother has type 2 diabetes and is on a low GI diet by necessity. When I looked at her dietitian dictated meal plan a few years ago, I discovered something very interesting, I have always eaten this style of diet by choice. Low GI keeps you full longer because you are eating fibre rich food, or food which takes a long time to digest, so you are less likely to consume too many calories.

That’s my little discussion. Please note that I am in no way qualified to have an opinion on health issues. These are simply my musings. After all, anyone that starts the first paragraph acknowledging they drink diet coke and lemonade is not going to be able to claim health guru status! Plus, I know you have all seen my delicious salted caramel desserts, believe me, they are not low GI.

Fresh Fruit Frappe - Skinny
- 220 gm Kiwi fruit 2 peeled
- 240 gm pineapple peeled and cored
- 1/2 lime peeled
- 10 leaves mint
- 2 cups diet lemonade
- 2 cups ice
- Put all the ingredients in a heavy duty blender and combine until smooth.
Before we carried away with being OVERLY healthy I want to share a little Friday fun!
Add 4 nips of bacardi to the blender before you wizz. Here you have a delicious low calorie cocktail. What a great way to enjoy your daily fruit serves. Lets welcome in the weekend.

Happy Friday!