This is just a quick story today, actually it is more of an invitation than a story.
I have met quite a lot of food bloggers over my three years of writing and photographing food. The gatherings I have attended have all been positive and welcoming experiences.

Blogger’s picnics are a great way to meet peers and discuss topics related to food, travel, restaurants, writing, photography, food styling or generating income from food blogs. I have found the information shared at these social events has been really insightful and valuable. I have made many blogging friends this way and I would like to continue the tradition by hosting a food bloggers gathering.
Some of you may be aware that I am affiliated with Nuffnang. Nuffnang is a social media advertising agency, they works with bloggers and build social media campaigns for a lot of well known brands. Nuffnang also likes to encourage bloggers to get together and socialise. After all, social media is about socialising with peers and building a strong network.

One way Nuffnang helps bloggers come together is by offering a “little kitty.” No, not a furry pet, but a couple of dollars which goes towards coffee and cake at a cafe, or a bottle of wine for a picnic.
I have loved attending all the Sydney Food Blogger events, but being located halfway between Sydney and Brisbane I am also wanting to meet more of my Queensland compatriots.
For this reason Gourmet Getaways with sponsorship from Nuffnang will be hosting a Picnic on the 8th June 2013. The venue will be Justin’s Park at Burleigh Heads on The Esplanade.
The event is for all Food, Travel and Wine bloggers and will be commencing at 11.30am. You do not need to be a member of Nuffnang. Everyone is welcome!
It would be lovely if foodies could bring a plate to share. In case of bad weather I will contact everyone with an alternate venue. We may revert to coffee and cake at a local cafe but the meet up will go ahead regardless.
The event is free, but for catering and administrative purposes I would be appreciative it if you could head over to ticketing early if you are interested in attending.
Don’t forget to make the effort to “Like” all attendees Facebook and twitter pages and perhaps visit their sites and leave a comment. Share the blogging love!
If you would like to link your website using the “Linky” tool below it will be easier for those considering attending the picnic to visit your site and say hi!