I received a big surprise in the mail yesterday, but there is a bit of a story, so I will start at the beginning. Regularly readers may remember that before Christmas I took part in a fund raiser hosted by CSR Sugar and Jeroxie to raise funds for charity. The fundraiser was called “Bake A Difference” and the aim was to bake some of your Christmas presents and donate the funds saved to those less fortunate.
I thoroughly enjoyed participating in the event and bake some delicious treats to share. Here are the links to refresh your memory.
So, back to my surprise in the post! I received a thankyou gift from CSR Sugar. The package included three bags of various sugars and a gorgeous Women’s Weekly “Cupcakes” recipe book.
Needless to say the package will come in very handy. I am sure you can imagine how much sugar I use in my daily baking.
So thank you to CSR Sugar and Jeroxie. I hope the fund raiser helped many people.