I think I have mentioned previously that I like to cook, but I don’t like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. If this statement isn’t quite making sense, what I mean is that I love preparing delicious homemade treats, but I like short cuts and quick and easy dishes that can be whipped up in seconds.

Given that it is almost Christmas and no one ever has enough time over this period I thought I might be a good chance to share a quick and easy dessert.

I mentioned a little while ago that I have been the lucky recipient of some delicious food packages recently. I have to thank Roaming Cow Yoghurt and Lucky Nuts for this recipe. These two delicious products arrived at the same time and I immediately thought DESSERT, and set about creating this sweet, crunchy, creamy deliciousness!

I do love my desserts!
… and even better I can almost claim that this is a healthy indulgence. When you read the ingredients you may be only be half convinced. In my defense, usually mousse, crème caramels and pannacotta’s are made with cream, chocolate and/or egg yolks. These are all very high fat ingredients with little nutritional value. This delicious caramel pot has the same amount of sugar as all of these similar desserts but none of the fat due to the substitution of yoghurt. It also has a healthy dose of calcium. So there we go my justification for making and devouring my delicious recipe.

Crunchy Caramel Pots w Candied Macadamia Nuts
- 500ml Roaming Cow Natural Yoghurt
- 400gm Dulce de Leche (Nestles Caramel Topper can be substituted)
- 120gm Macadamia Nuts (Lucky Nuts)
- 1 Egg White
- ½ cup sugar
- 1 tsp cinnamon
Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
Using a stick blender combine Roaming Cow Yoghurt with Dulce de leche. Pour the mixture into 6 small glasses or ramekins. Refrigerate until needed.
Line a baking tray with baking paper.
Combine sugar and cinnamon in a separate bowl.
Beat egg white with a fork in another bowl and then add the macadamia nuts to the mix.
Using a fork remove the nuts from the egg mixture and drop them into the cinnamon sugar to coat.
Spread the macadamia nuts over the baking tray and bake until the sugar is golden.
Allow the nuts to cool.

When you are ready to serve dessert, top the caramel pots with the crunchy sugared macadamia nuts.
I am sure you will agree that this is a super simple recipe.
So readers, are you ready for Christmas???