Regular readers of Gourmet Getaways may remember the First Annual Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap which I participated in last year. Well it has been a whole year since then an the cookie swap is on again. I am busy sorting through my recipes and trying to decide which delicious cookie I will be sending out to my fellow bloggers.
The swap is hosted by Julie from “The Little Kitchen” and Lindsay from “Love and Olive Oil”.
The idea behind the game is you sign up to participate (here). In November you will receive 3 food blogger addresses (who live in the same country as yourself). On a set day in December you send each of the 3 bloggers one dozen of your favourite homemade cookies. You in turn receive a dozen scrumptious cookies from three different food bloggers.
Last year I sent these little beauties out.

On the 12th of December each participant will blog the recipe for the cookies they sent out. There will be a round up of all the participants and their recipes. So readers will be able to see all the glorious cookies that went wizzing around the world.
Last year I was spoiled and received the most gorgeous cookies! Here is the story I wrote after the swap with lots of yummy images.

This year the organisers have partnered with Cookies for Kids’ Cancer, a national non-profit organization committed to funding new therapies used in the fight against pediatric cancer. The entry fee for the cookie swap is $4 and funds go directly to Cookies for Kid’s Cancer.
If you would you like to play along? Check out the official site for all the details, and prepare to try some new cookies.
So what do you think? Would you like three dozen randomly flavoured cookies turning up on your doorstep?