A vegetable that will always grow well in my garden is the humble beetroot. Sometimes I think it’s because I hold no expectation of a vegetable from the plant itself, so it thrives. If that statement sounds strange then please let me explain and then give you a great recipe for Beetroot Chips.

I grow beetroot primarily for the leaves. I love beetroot leaves in my salad, and they add lovely colour to my garden. Over the winter when I am not eating salads something strange happens to my beetroot leaves, they grow beets! Big, enormous beets!

One beet will fill a preserving jar. Funnily enough, even though they look old, woody and past their prime in the garden, they still taste delicious pickled in vinegar.

At the start of spring this year I stumbled across my patch of beets. Over the winter they had grown to a record size in my vegetable garden. I ignored them for a little while longer as I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with these monsters.

Then Mr GG was looking for chips and it hit me; Beetroot chips!

I tried three different ways of making the chips, in the oven, in the deep fryer and in the dehydrator. For health, taste and convenience my favourite method was the dehydrator.

Beetroot Chips
- 2 raw beetroot
- 1 t /s pink Murray River salt
- 1 t /s chicken salt * optional
- 1 t /s chopped rosemary optional
- 1 t /s oil
- Wash the beetroot and remove the stalks.
- Use a mandolin on a thin slice setting to slice the beetroot into rounds.
- Place the beetroot in a plastic bag with oil, salts and rosemary if using.
- Work the oil and salt around beetroot until the beets are coated.
- Place beetroot in a single layer in the dehydrator racks.
- Set dehydrator according to the manufacturers instructions.
- When ready taste and season as required. Serve with dip or on their own.
What do you think of this healthy snack? I was even able to get the kids to eat these on the basis that they were still chips!